Climate activists take to streets in Berlin to protest police crackdown

Last Generation activists protested police operation against group; vowed to continue radical actions

2023-05-31 23:49:17


Climate activists rallied Wednesday in Berlin to protest last week's police crackdown on the Last Generation environmental group.

Around 400 protesters gathered in Frankfurter Tor Square and marched toward the city center, chanting slogans and carrying banners urging action on climate change.

Demonstrators carried banners and signs that read: “Climate protection is not a crime”, “Solidarity with the Last Generation”, and “Our children are not criminals.”

The group vowed to continue its radical actions in the coming days to draw attention to the importance of addressing climate change.

Police staged a nationwide crackdown against the group last week, accusing leaders of “forming a criminal organization.”

The group's website was shut down on the instructions of the public prosecutor's office. Several bank accounts used by the group were also seized and frozen.

In recent months, the Last Generation sparked controversy in Germany with radical protests and extreme actions. Climate activists glued their hands to famous paintings in museums and blocked highways and airport runways to attract media attention.

The Last Generation movement is heavily criticizing the government for not taking serious measures to limit global warming, but instead further investing in fossil fuel infrastructure and endangering the future of humankind.