EU signs security commitments with Ukraine

'These commitments will help Ukraine defend itself, resist destabilisation, and deter future acts of aggression,' says EU Council president

2024-06-27 17:31:55


The EU on Thursday signed security commitments with Ukraine on the sidelines of a two-day EU summit in Brussels.

The signing ceremony was attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, EU Council President Charles Michel, and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

"These commitments will help Ukraine defend itself, resist destabilisation, and deter future acts of aggression," Michel said on X.

"More concrete proof of the EU's unshakeable resolve to support Ukraine for the long haul," he added.

Following his arrival at the summit, Zelenskyy said on X: "We will sign three security agreements, including one with the EU as a whole."

"For the first time, this agreement will enshrine the commitment of all 27 Member States to provide Ukraine with extensive support, regardless of any internal institutional changes," he said.