Gaborone hosts 1st Bostwana-US African Defense Chiefs Conference

⁠'Regression in the continent's political order poses a serious threat to the stability of nations,' says Botswana's president

2024-06-25 23:22:29


A first-of-its-kind two-day meeting of African Defense Chiefs, co-hosted by Botswana and the US, began Tuesday in Gaborone.

President Mokgweetsi Masisi highlighted the urgent need to “face the growing disquiet about the disrespect of the democratic ideals of constitutionally elected governments on the African continent by the military,” in his address to the conference.

"This kind of regression in the continent's political order poses a serious threat to the stability of nations," said Masisi.

The conference marks the first time Washington has co-hosted the African Chiefs of Defense Conference with an African nation and the first time the conference has been held on the African continent.