Greek premier criticizes Berlin for suspending Schengen treaty

Migration problem cannot be solved through unilateral suspension of Schengen, says Kyriakos Mitsotakis

2024-09-12 15:42:33


Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday criticized Berlin over its decision earlier this week to suspend Schengen on its land borders. 

“It (migration issue) is keeping Germany busy, but the answer cannot be to unilaterally abolish the Schengen treaty,” he said in an interview with broadcaster Talk Radio.

“Throwing the ball to other countries cannot be tolerated,” Mitsotakis added.

Maintaining that Greece has been doing its part in guarding its borders, which are efficiently also the EU's borders, through a “strict but fair migration policy," he said: “This policy had the effect of reducing the entry of migrants on the border and normalizing the situation on the islands. We sent a message that the traffickers are not in control.”

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced on Monday that the country would reinstate checks at all land borders to curb irregular migration.

On Tuesday, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk slammed Germany over the move, saying: “Such actions are unacceptable from the Polish perspective.”​​​​​​​