Supporters of PKK terrorist group hold provocative rally in France

Demonstration saw PKK supporters carrying rags symbolizing PKK and its ringleader

2024-09-16 10:05:42


Supporters of the PKK terrorist organization held a provocative demonstration in France's southern city of Marseille, distributing terror propaganda at a so-called festival.

The demonstration saw PKK supporters carrying rags symbolizing the PKK and its ringleader, Abdullah Ocalan. They were demanding Ocalan's release.

The French Foreign Ministry has yet to respond to queries from Anadolu regarding why the demonstration was permitted, given that the PKK is recognized as a terrorist organization by both the EU and France.

In 2021, Türkiye criticized French President Emmanuel Macron for meeting with members of the so-called Syrian Democratic Council, the political branch of the SDF which is a group primarily made up of members of the terrorist group YPG/PKK.

The Turkish government has repeatedly called on France and other European countries to take a stronger stance against the PKK and its affiliates, which it sees as a threat to national security.

In its 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, infants and the elderly. The YPG is the PKK's Syrian offshoot.