Switzerland boosts border security amid potential irregular migrant influx

Swiss justice minister says 3% of migrants intercepted at southern border applied for asylum in Switzerland, with majority seeking to use country as transit point

2023-09-28 17:47:00


Switzerland took proactive measures Thursday to reinforce its southern border with Italy in anticipation of a potential influx of irregular migrants, according to Justice Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider.

Baume-Schneider assured the public as she to the La Liberte newspaper that the situation at the Ticoni border was currently under control and emphasized that Switzerland did not expect a "catastrophic situation" to arise regarding irregular migration.

Authorities have increased the number of border officials stationed at the southern border with Italy to alleviate the workload on personnel handling border security.

Baume-Schneider said only 3% of irregular migrants intercepted at the southern border had applied for asylum in Switzerland, with the majority seeking to use the country as a transit point.

One key issue highlighted by the justice minister is the need for reform of the asylum system within the Schengen area to effectively address crises.

Baume-Schneider pointed out that the current situation on Lampedusa Island in Italy, which has seen an influx of migrants, underscores the limitations of the Dublin system.

She advocated for the creation of a new "European migration agreement," involving Switzerland, which should promote a more equitable distribution of the migration burden among European countries.

Switzerland's commitment to addressing migration challenges was further underscored by its participation in a meeting of EU interior ministers in Brussels on Thursday.

Baume-Schneider reiterated Switzerland's willingness to provide financial and personnel support for the establishment of a mechanism related to migration, emphasizing the country's proactive approach to tackling the issue.

There has been a significant increase in the number of irregular migrants reaching Italy by crossing the Mediterranean compared to previous years.

While Austria and France have increased border controls, Germany has also suspended the voluntary sharing mechanism with Italy, citing non-compliance with the Dublin Agreement. Which was initially signed in 1990 and subsequently revised on three occasions.

It established a framework for determining which member state was accountable for reviewing an asylum application.