UK prison population sees record drop as government launches early release scheme

Number of inmates falls by 2,188 in past week, marking 2.5% reduction in overall prison population

2024-09-13 16:05:44


The prison population in England and Wales has seen a record decline following the introduction of the government's early release scheme.

Figures published by the Ministry of Justice on Friday reveal that the number of inmates fell by 2,188 in the past week, marking a 2.5% reduction in the overall prison population.

It significantly surpasses the previous record set during April 2020, when 1,135 prisoners were released early as part of efforts to reduce the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks within prison facilities.

The recent decline in inmate numbers has left more than 3,000 prison places unused, a sharp contrast to the overcrowding issues seen in recent months.

The early release initiative comes as the government seeks to manage the strain on the prison system, which has faced increasing pressure due to overcrowding, riots, and rising incarceration rates.