UK unemployment rate eases 4.1% in May-July

Around 1.4M people unemployed in UK, says Office for National Statistics

2024-09-10 10:20:02


The unemployment rate in the UK was 4.1% in the May-July period, down 0.2 percentage points both on a quarterly and monthly basis.

According to the Office for National Statistics (Ons), around 1.4 million people were unemployed in the country.

The data also indicated that the unemployment rate is still higher than the pre-pandemic level in the country.

Ons stated: "Following decreases in the unemployment rate since late 2013, the unemployment rate increased during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

"From early 2021, it decreased to below pre-coronavirus rates by mid-2022. The unemployment rate has been largely increasing since then, despite a period of decrease during the latter half of 2023. In the latest quarter, the unemployment rate decreased."

The UK's employment rate was 74.8%, with 33.23 million people employed between May and July, the Ons data showed.